
Pulled Pork #Recipe #Lush #Irresistible

I made five of these for Oscars Christening which went down a storm, so I was going to call it "Oscars Pulled Pork"... but that just sounds weird. I have made this countless times, everyone asks for the recipe and everyone likes it different ways. One thing is for sure its lush and if you're a veggie watch out.

It uses Pork Shoulder which isn't a very popular part and therefore  quite cheap,
Its also REALLY easy to make and goes far too, so excellent for feeding a lot of people.

  • 2kg Shoulder of Pork, the one pictured was only £6.63
  • Oil for greasing
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Whole Grain Mustard
  • 200ml White Wine Vinegar
  • 250ml Cider -but I used Crabbies as always have it in. 
  • 3 Onions finely sliced
  • 1 large Tray, 1 piece of grease proof paper and tin foil.
Depending on your tastes, you could add some cloves, garlic and or chilli flakes. Also alter accordingly with ingredients and cooking time if the Pork shoulder is bigger.